Core Banking
Hand arranging wood blocks, adding a block to a stack

Find out which DNA solutions and enhancements your credit union should be maximizing. 

In a recent Celero client webinar, Director of Product, Marketing and Fintech Jordan Smid sat down with Product Manager Bernice Bacinger to discuss DNA Core Banking, and where Celero provides the most value to credit unions using this platform. As part of our clients’ current operating fees, Celero provides the most added value in the following six ways: 

01./ Vendor Relationships

For over a decade, Celero has delivered core banking services to credit unions, leveraging the DNA platform from Fiserv. This industry-leading technology is made available to credit unions of any size through Celero. Credit unions can access and customize this platform to their needs, while we manage the support and communications. Our experienced Celero resources work on behalf of clients to resolve issues, coordinate and implement DNA upgrades, and perform quality tests on any new changes and installations. 

As one of Fiserv’s largest Canadian customers, Celero has the ability to escalate developments and changes. Our relationship with Fiserv is a top priority and remains strong, with weekly meetings with our Fiserv Product Manager and Account Manager readily accessible. 

02./ Core Banking Support

Celero clients have access to DNA support directly from the home page of Service Now. The Service Desk team is well equipped to triage any cases clients log, and the organizational structure ensures that core banking concerns reach experts immediately. The core banking support team automatically receives any Service Desk tickets regarding core banking to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Supports include: 

  • Incident detection 
  • Recording, logging, and acknowledgement of all incoming requests 
  • Initial supports, such as assessment and prioritization of incidents, and offering any possible interim solutions 
  • Assigning cases to the best person or team, or advising when a third party is needed 
  • Facilitating the restoration of normal operations following any severe incidents 


03./ Release Management

As one of our most significant value-adds for our clients, release management is the process of managing the DNA platform, and any necessary update installations. Celero handles the entire release process, from testing to installation and defect management. 

This process begins with a thorough review of the Fiserv release notes to determine any impacts on DNA functionality, and to assess if there are any functions that are not applicable to Canadian credit unions. 

Celero also performs rigorous defect testing with each release to ensure the changes are as seamless as possible for clients. These tests include monitoring impacts on the front end of DNA (deposits, loans, the back office, reports), and the member facing items (including statements and clearings, digital banking, integration services, and ATM and POS transactions). 

If any issues are found in the release, Celero has the ability to directly and promptly notify Fiserv and hold off on the release if necessary. When comparing the Fiserv and Celero release notes, clients can see any defects identified and resolved by Celero. 

With every new release, Celero provides dedicated support and transparency to clients. This is achieved by: 

  • Sharing a live-online release overview with clients with details on upcoming changes. 
  • Upgrading clients’ test databases so they may execute any necessary internal tests regarding their processes and tools. 
  • Hosting weekly client testing calls during upgrade periods to share additional information and provide community collaboration among other Celero DNA clients. 
  • Making DNA upgrade documentation available on the Celero Client Extranet (under Core Banking > DNA). 
  • Sending notifications and status updates through the Celero Support Service Desk bulletins. 

Each of these initiatives are coordinated on our clients’ behalf to promote successful updates and installations. 

04./ Year-end Support

Celero runs an efficient annual year-end government reporting support project for our clients. This includes managing details such as: 

  • Scheduling the year-end jobs 
  • Database set up 
  • Submitting files to the CRA on behalf of clients 
  • Arranging the distribution of slips to credit union members 

We have a dedicated year-end support team to help answer questions and resolve issues during this project. Celero’s client delivery team works with Fiserv to complete year-end reporting testing. This ensures any new slip types or necessary regulatory changes are tested before reporting deadlines. 

In the absence of DNA core code fixes, Celero will provide workarounds to fix data issues. We also provide a schedule, preparation guides, reconciliation workbooks and over 40 custom cleanup reports to help clients keep their data clean.    

05./ Batch Operations

Celero’s batch processing services handles all banking processing activities required by the Core banking system. Our batch operations are fully automated and monitored to service-level agreements. 

Celero has structured DNA batch operations to meet the processing windows and file exchange requirements with third parties. Every DNA client has some flexibility to adjust the frequency or specific parameters regarding their reporting jobs. 

We will also schedule any custom reporting or extracts required. Additionally, Celero has created and scheduled some automated cleanup actions to correct errors so that clients don’t have to. 

06./ Training

There are several training options available to Celero clients to help credit union staff learn the ropes of the DNA platform: 

  • Self-directed. Every Celero client has five free licenses they may use to access over 25 self-directed DNA courses. Staff can manage their learning pace by taking introductory, intermediate or advanced level courses. 
  • Virtual classroom. This is the option Celero uses for webinars and Q&A sessions. They are instructor-led. 
  • Classroom. In-person, hands-on training led by an instructor. 
  • Custom. Clients can meet with their Celero trainer to build a custom program that fits the needs of their credit union. Programs can be developed to match the skill level and knowledge of staff, emphasizing the distinct DNA functions you want more information on. 

We encourage clients to visit the Knowledge Base to review this catalogue of options and reach out with any inquiries. 

What Solutions or Enhancements are Clients Underutilizing? 

The key item being underutilized is knowledge management. The knowledge library is located within the eService Portal, and provides clients with easy access to technical support information about Celero products and services. Some key features include: 

  • Searchable DNA Banking FAQs and troubleshooting notes 
  • Details on reports, such as when it runs, what it is used for, and troubleshooting information 
  • Reported Known Issues (RKI), which are items that Fiserv will fix 

The knowledge library also has a feedback mechanism, allowing users to rate the quality of the content or write a review. This feedback helps improve search results and notifies us of what is most impactful to clients. 

Besides knowledge management tools, here are four other underutilized enhancements: 

  • MAD retirement DNA App. This app allows users to override the system-calculated minimum amount on Retirement Plan Maintenance screen to a custom amount.   
  • Person Occupation Classification DNA App. This app allows users to search and select correct National Occupation Classification (NOC) code and job title for their members.  
  • External Allotments. This enables the creation of automated preauthorized transfers to and from another financial institution.   
  • Transaction Person. This is the ability to identify the person performing each monetary transaction on Transaction Express. 

These are just some of the enhancements clients may not be maximizing. Celero plans on providing a more extensive list to clients in Q2 — stay tuned for this. 

To learn more about core banking and value-added enhancements and solutions for your credit union, talk to your Celero Account Executive or contact us.      

About Celero
Celero is a leading provider of digital technology and integration solutions to credit unions and financial institutions across Canada. Clients trust Celero’s proven track record delivering innovative banking technologies, digital and payment solutions, cloud computing, outsourcing, IT and advisory services.

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